Despite the fact that pornography is vilified and perceived as immoral in African countries, statistics compiled by porn tube sites show that consumption of porn movies is very high in almost all African countries, especially in urban areas. Despite the great hypocrisy surrounding porn, it is known that the vast majority of human beings on earth love to watch beautiful girls getting fucked and Africans are no exception. Statistics on porn consumption in Africa also reveal that the most searched keyword on porn sites is “ebony”, referring to black women. This therefore demonstrates that Africans want to consume porn in which the actors and/or actresses resemble them in terms of ethnicity. It is in this context that several small local producers in African cities, notably Yaoundé and Douala in Cameroon, have embarked on the production of amateur porn films with African actors and actresses.
Creation of Dorcel TV Africa
The Dorcel group, a major French pornographic film production company, was considering creating an African division. This was a rather bold idea on the part of the group given the lack of knowledge of the field and the lack of professionalism surrounding the porn industry in Africa. After studies, the group finally decided to develop exclusive partnerships with local producers present on the African continent in order to create a new 100% African porn channel, hence the birth of Dorcel TV Africa in 2019. The content of Dorcel TV Africa is produced by local producers most often based in Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Nigeria. These local producers have exclusivity contracts with the Dorcel group which consist of reselling their content exclusively to the Dorcel group which then broadcasts it on the Dorcel TV Africa channel. However, these content producers must respect the editorial line and the ethical charter of the Dorcel group. Dorcel Group CEO Gregory Dorcel finds the project of developing a 100% African porn channel very interesting: “The development of DORCEL TV Africa is a very exciting project for us… As a committed craftsman in his sector, MARC DORCEL has always strived to best meet the expectations of the public, with understanding and respect for each society and culture, historically French, then European and more recently North American, where our programs have been very successful. We are very happy to be able to develop and create a 100% African offer.”
Dorcel TV Africa Programming
Dorcel TV Africa is a 100% African porn channel in French with two production centers in Abidjan and Douala. The channel is present in 25 French-speaking African countries and presents films, series and talk shows produced locally in 100% African contexts and settings and with African actors and actresses. Dorcel TV Africa is therefore porn produced by and for Africans and for the whole world who want to see beautiful African women getting fucked.
How to watch Dorcel TV Africa
Dorcel TV Africa is a channel available on the Canal+ package. However, you need a slightly higher subscription level than the standard subscription level to access the 100% African porn channel via the Canal package. The Dorcel TV Africa channel can also be viewed via an online subscription on the Xillimité.com or Dorcelcub.com sites.
Xillimité.com and Dorcelclub.com are sites of the Dorcel group. A subscription to one or the other of which gives access to 3 porn channels broadcast 24/7 (Dorcel TV, Dorcel XXX and Dorcel TV Africa). The subscription also gives access to more than 6,000 porn films in unlimited streaming produced by more than 150 studios. The sites also allow you to watch your pornographic films and channels in high definition wherever and whenever you want on mobile, tablet, computer and even television.

In August 2024, Dorcel TV Africa found itself in controversy following the denunciation of one of the channel’s best-known actors on the working conditions of actors and actresses. Indeed, the actor nicknamed “Le Gladiateur” resigned as an actor from Dorcel TV Africa and conducted public interviews in which he explained the precarious working conditions linked to the profession of actor and actress within the African division of the Dorcel group. Of Cameroonian origin, the actor “Le Gladiateur” got into porn when he found himself in financial poverty and needed money. Regarding salary conditions, he explains that the actors do not have a fixed salary because they are paid per scene shot. He says he was paid 150,000 FCFA (229 euros) for seven scenes, which represents a fee of approximately 20,000 FCFA (31 euros) per scene. Regarding health conditions, he explains that all the scenes are filmed with condoms. But it often happens that a condom breaks, hence the need for the actors and actresses to be tested for all sexually transmitted diseases before filming. But according to “Le Gladiateur”, the health conditions of the actors and actresses are not properly monitored.
Regarding the actresses with whom he films scenes, “Le Gladiateur” stipulates that the selection of actresses is not done rigorously and the majority of the actresses chosen are not at all professional. Indeed, according to “Le Gladiateur”, some actresses in Dorcel’s African group are completely desperate girls, from precarious backgrounds and in financial distress. According to him, some actresses completely lack hygiene and he explains having had to perform cunnilingus on girls who had pimples on their vaginas and bad odors. He also states that porn film producers abuse new actresses by sleeping with them before offering them work as an actress.
Find below some shocking statements from the former Dorcel TV Africa actor nicknamed “Le Gladiateur”:
“People thought I was making millions there, and yet it’s not true!“
“All the actors you see on Dorcel TV Africa do not have a contract and have no follow-up in the health field“
Dorcel TV Africa’s response to the controversy
In response to this controversy, the Dorcel Group’s communications department has provided clarification on the working conditions of actors and actresses. Local content producers doing business with Dorcel TV Africa must respect the ethical charter and the Dorcel Group’s ways of doing things. In order to ensure compliance with their ethical charter, the Dorcel Group has signed contracts with local NGOs in Africa. These NGOs are responsible for monitoring each shoot, supporting the actors and actresses and ensuring that the signed contracts are respected.
All actors and actresses must be at least 21 years old and undergo all tests for sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, etc.) before filming scenes. All actors and actresses must sign a contract and their fee must be handed to them in person after each shoot.
One of the local porn film producers collaborating with the Dorcel channel interviewed by the website abidjannewsci.com also provided clarification on the working conditions of actors and actresses: “I have been in the production of adult films for only two years and everything is going well. There is always an association that defends human rights on the set with us to ensure that the actors are well treated and especially with negative tests before any filming. Condoms are also mandatory in sex scenes, the association also ensures that the actors are paid in accordance with the contract. We require actors to be clean also to guarantee comfort to the partner with whom they are going to do a scene.”
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